York Haven

York Haven - Powerhouse


On Tuesday, September 3, 2024, York Haven Power Company (YHPC) plans to slowly lower Lake Frederic, the reservoir upstream of the York Haven main dam, for maintenance required by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).  Lake Frederic will be lowered for up to 6 weeks (weather dependent).  Boaters should use caution on Lake Frederic due to low water levels.  Some of the access ramps may not be suitable for use by larger vessels.  Water levels are expected to go below 277 ft elevation by about 14 inches.  Required minimum flows at the main dam will be maintained. 

Please send questions or requests to be added to our Notification List for updates to yorkhaven@eaglecreekre.com.  



York Haven is a 19.6 MW run-of-river hydroelectric project on the Susquehanna River in south central Pennsylvania. York Haven began commercial operations in 1901, making it one of the oldest hydroelectric projects in America. The facility is equipped with 13 horizontal Francis turbines, 4 vertical Kaplan turbines, and 3 vertical propeller units. York Haven produces a long term average generation of 135,485 MWh of clean electricity annually, which is enough to power 13,027 homes.



York Haven Power Company, LLC (YHPC), began construction of a nature-like fishway (NLF) on the southwest bank of Three Mile Island in August 2024.  The purpose of the NLF is to improve fish passage and connectivity in the Susquehanna River.  This involves some construction noise.  As required by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), we are restricting construction to 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday through Saturday.  We hope you will please excuse any noise, as it is part of an exciting project to improve the environment through better fish passage on the Susquehanna River.  Throughout September and October 2024 we are stripping and stockpiling topsoil, modifying the crest of the dam adjacent to the future fishway, and installing a sheet pile wall.  Excavation of the fishway is scheduled to begin in November 2024.


York Haven Power Company, LLC (YHPC), comenzó la construcción de una vía para peces similar a la naturaleza (NLF) en la orilla suroeste de Three Mile Island en agosto de 2024.  El propósito del NLF es mejorar el paso de peces y la conectividad en el río Susquehanna.  Esto implica algo de ruido de construcción.  Como lo requiere la Comisión Federal Reguladora de Energía (FERC), estamos restringiendo la construcción de 7 a.m. a 7 p.m., de lunes a sábado.  Esperamos que disculpen cualquier ruido, ya que es parte de un proyecto emocionante para mejorar el medio ambiente a través de un mejor paso de peces en el río Susquehanna.  A lo largo de septiembre y octubre de 2024 estamos desmontando y acopiando la capa superficial del suelo, modificando la cresta de la presa adyacente a la futura NLF, y instalando un muro de tablestacas.  Está previsto que la excavación de la vía para peces comience en noviembre de 2024.


Please send questions or requests to be added to our Notification List for updates to yorkhaven@eaglecreekre.com.  If you have already received this notification by email, you’re on the notification list.