The shorelines of Toronto and Swinging Bridge reservoirs are part of the project and are owned by Eagle Creek. Private docks and other structures on the shorelines require a permit from Eagle Creek. More information is available in the following Guidelines document:
Application for Private Recreational Facility Permit
Eagle Creek Mongaup System Shoreline Use and Occupancy Guidelines
May 18 and June 5, 2021 Shoreline Management Presentation
For questions about shoreline permitting (e.g., boat docks) at Swinging Bridge and Toronto Reservoirs, please contact:
Rebecca Vicaretti-Serrano, Property Compliance Supervisor, Eagle Creek Renewable Energy
Phone: (845) 397-2579
If you are interested in receiving email notifications of significant changes to reservoir levels or other communications related to shoreline management, you can sign up for our email notification list here: Swinging Bridge/Toronto Shoreline Management Notification Signup