The Mongaup River hydroelectric facilities operate under three licenses issued by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC): Swinging Bridge is Project No. 10482; Mongaup Falls is Project No. 10481, and Rio is Project No. 9690. Eagle Creek Hydro Power, LLC, Eagle Creek Land Resources, LLC, and Eagle Creek Water Resources, LLC (all subsidiaries of Eagle Creek Renewable Energy, and jointly referred to as the "Licensee") are the joint holders of all three licenses. The facilities' current licenses were issued in 1992 and expire in 2022. The licensee is seeking to relicense all three projects concurrently using the Integrated Licensing Process.
Relicensing Schedule
On September 12, 2017, as part of Scoping Document 2, the FERC issued a revised schedule for the Integrated Licensing Process for the Mongaup River facilities. That schedule is available here:
The schedule culminates with the Licensee's filing of the Final License Application, which the Licensee filed on March 30, 2020 in accordance with FERC regulation 5.17. Information about the Integrated Licensing Process post-filing is available on the FERC website here: https://www.ferc.gov/industries/hydropower/gen-info/licensing/ilp.asp
Final Licensing Application
On March 30, 2020, the Licensee filed its Final License Application ("FLA"). Volumes I, II, and III of the FLA are available below. Some of the information presented in the FLA is considered Critical Energy Infrastructure Information ("CEII"), as defined by 18 CFR § 388.113(c). Such information has been removed from the public version of the FLA. In accordance with the FERC's filing guidelines, all CEII is included in a separate volume (Volume IV). In addition, some information included in the Final License Application is considered Privileged information and has also been removed from the public version filed in a separate volume (Volume V).
All filings related to the relicensing process are available from the FERC's eLibrary website: elibrary.ferc.gov. Search for filings by project number: P-10482 for Swinging Bridge; P-10481 for Mongaup Falls; and P-9690 for Rio. Filings related to all three projects will show up under any of the above searches.
The licensee is making available its major document submissions and major FERC orders on this website:
Current Documents for Stakeholder Review
Final License Application submitted March 30, 2020:
- FLA Cover Letter and Distribution List (14 pages; 353 kB)
- FLA Volume I, Part 1 (991 pages; 33.4 MB)
- FLA Volume I, Part 2 (849 pages; 34.5 MB)
- FLA Volume II (357 pages; 38.9 MB)
- FLA Volume III (34 pages; 18.4 MB)
At the same time, the Licensee also filed with FERC information classified as Critical Energy Infrastructure Information (CEII) as Volume IV of the FLA and information considered Privileged as Volume V of the FLA. Volumes IV and V are not available for public distribution.
Licensee Response filed 5/11/2020 to Comments on Updated Study Report:
- Licensee Response to USR Comments (53 pages; 882 kB)
Final License Application Supplemental Information filed 2/25/2021:
- FLA Supplement - 2020 Water Quality Data (29 pages; 1.20 MB)
Past Submissions and Orders
Initial submissions on March 30, 2017:
- A Notice of Intent (NOI) to file for re-licensing for Swinging Bridge P-10482
- A Notice of Intent (NOI) to file for re-licensing for Mongaup Falls P-10481
- A Notice of Intent (NOI) to file for re-licensing for Rio P-9690
- A Pre-Application Document (PAD) Volume I relating to all three projects
At the same time, the Licensee also filed with FERC drawings classified as Critical Energy Infrastructure Information (CEII) by FERC, as well as financial information considered Privileged. These were filed as Volumes II and III of the PAD and are not available for public distribution.
Clarification submitted on March 31, 2017:
Proposed Study Plan submitted on September 12, 2017:
- Proposed Study Plan
- Proposed Study Plan, Appendices Part 1 of 2
- Proposed Study Plan, Appendices Part 2 of 2
Proposed Study Plan Meeting on October 4, 2017:
Additional Information Provided December 1, 2017:
Revised Study Plan submitted on January 10, 2018:
- Revised Study Plan
- Revised Study Plan, Appendices A - D
- Revised Study Plan, Appendix E Part 1 of 4
- Revised Study Plan, Appendix E Part 2 of 4
- Revised Study Plan, Appendix E Part 3 of 4
- Revised Study Plan, Appendix E Part 4 of 4
Letter Regarding Schedules for Studies and Proposed Construction of Unit 3, January 29, 2018:
FERC Study Plan Determination Order issued February 9, 2018:
Draft Whitewater Boating Assessment Study Report issued to stakeholders January 15, 2019:
Initial Study Report filed February 8, 2019:
- ISR Transmittal Letter(12 pages; 237 kB)
- ISR Introduction and Appendices A through G (574 pages; 34.2 MB)
- ISR Appendices H and I (796 pages; 31.9 MB)
- ISR Appendix J, Part 1 of 2 (572 pages; 38.0 MB)
- ISR Appendix J, Part 2 of 2 (601 pages; 42.5 MB)
- ISR Appendices L and N (64 pages; 11.3 MB)
- ISR Appendix O (308 pages; 36.3 MB)
- ISR Appendix P (63 pages; 15.0 MB)
Initial Study Report Meeting on February 13-14, 2019:
- Initial Study Report Meeting Agenda (1 page; 450 kB)
- Initial Study Report Meeting Summary (379 pages; 27.0 MB)
Final Whitewater Boating Assessment Study Report filed March 11, 2019:
- Final Whitewater Boating Assessment Study Report (826 pages; 36.6 MB)
Licensee Responses to ISR Comments and Additional Study Requests:
- Summary of ISR Comments; Responses to Requests for New or Amended Studies and Comments on the ISR (159 pages; 9.51 MB)
Supplemental ISR filing on July 31, 2019:
- ISR Supplement cover letter (12 pages; 578 kB)
- Recreation Facility Inventory, Recreation Use and Needs Assessment, and Reservoir Surface Area Assessment Study Update Part 1 (321 pages; 16.4 MB)
- Recreation Facility Inventory, Recreation Use and Needs Assessment, and Reservoir Surface Area Assessment Study Update Part 2 (872 pages; 23.6 MB)
- Recreation Facility Inventory, Recreation Use and Needs Assessment, and Reservoir Surface Area Assessment Study Update Part 3 (31 pages; 19.1 MB)
- Special Status Species Study - Public Version (17 pages; 286 kB)
Draft License Application filed November 4, 2019:
- DLA Cover Letter(13 pages; 234 kB)
- Executive Summary, Initial Statement, and Exhibits A through D (95 pages; 6.58 MB)
- Exhibit E, Part 1 (1,113 pages; 36.5 MB)
- Exhibit E, Part 2 (562 pages; 23.1 MB)
- Exhibits F through H (34 pages; 5.48 MB)
At the same time, the Licensee also filed with FERC drawings classified as Critical Energy Infrastructure Information (CEII) by FERC. These were filed as Volume IV of the DLA and are not available for public distribution.
Updated Study Report filed February 10, 2020:
- Updated Study Report Volume I Part 1 (225 pages; 31.1 MB)
- Updated Study Report Volume I Part 2 (182 pages; 17.2 MB)
- Updated Study Report Volume I Part 3 (216 pages; 39.6 MB)
- Updated Study Report Volume I Part 4 (1,193 pages; 35.4 MB)
- Updated Study Report Volume I Part 5 (89 pages; 27.0 kB)
Volume II of this report, which contains the results of the Bald Eagle Study and the Special Status Species Study, is not provided here and was filed with the FERC as privileged information.
Updated Study Report Meeting on February 19-20, 2020:
- Updated Study Report Meeting Summary (334 pages; 9.24 MB)
The Licensee will provide hard copies of any of the above public documents upon request. A reproduction cost fee of $0.25/page will apply to such requests. Please use the link below to download a request form and mail the completed form, along with a check for the reproduction cost fee, to Eagle Creek to request a hard copy of any document.
Contact and Communications
If you have questions about the relicensing process, please contact Jim Gibson at HDR, Inc., which is providing support to Eagle Creek during the relicensing process. His contact information is:
Jim Gibson
Email: jim.gibson@hdrinc.com
The licensee will be using email and electronic communications throughout this relicensing process. If you would like to request to join our relicensing email list, please provide your email address using the link below.